Saturday, September 09, 2006

One of those moments ...

I might be trying to avoid my sermon today ... or it might be something deep within me that knows the warm lazy days are few in number before the winter sets in ... but whatever it was ... something sent me out on a bike ride after I had ridden "downtown" to pick up my Saturday newspaper ...

I set off to ride around the Bison enclosure with no real goal in mind ... first I rode under the train bridge, then along the river ... I noted it was lower the I can remember it being ... and I faced my first dilemma ... which fork in the road should I take ...

Facing the choice worthy of Robert Frost himself, yet seeing absoluterly no difference between the two path, I opted for the one that lingers along the trees and hill, rather then the one that meanders along the river ... To quote Frost - "and that has made all the difference ..."

I rode my bike along the path deep in thought, enjoying the warmth of the sunshine on my back ... silently I pedalled just savouring the ride ... Up ahead I noticed another traveller on the path. This one walked slowly down the path, her head down. She was so intent on munching the green grass that she failed to notice me, and she failed to lift her head to keep watch. Following close behind her were three more travellers, younger then she, but equally engrossed in their tasks ...

I slowed my bike and stopped ... I waited ... watched ...

Suddenly when she had gotten to within 5 metres of me, she stopped and her head shot up into the air and her ears and tail flew up ... Now fully alert and aware that I was there we stood watching each other ... Her tongue flicked over the lips, pulling in the last vestiges of greenery from her interupted lunch. I stood stock still, smiling, enjoying the sight of four deer close enough to reach out and touch ...

For a long moment, we stood facing each other on the path. I meant her no harm and she wasn't sure what to do ... behind her the three others watched ... none of us moved ...

Then slowly she stepped into the grass on the margin of the path ... slowly with measured steps they retreated in to the long grass on the hill ... every step - every movement with her eyes firmly locked on me ... Then when they were far enough off the path for their comfort, they returned to their grazing, and I slowly pedalled past them ... She lifted her head and watched ... still not sure ... being protective of her youngsters ...

I rode away smiling ... for one brief fleeting instant ... I stood face to face with a momma deer and her babies in the bottom of a Prairie valley ... and it was delightful ...

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