Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Words of prayer and wisdom:

I've encountered two beautiful quotations in Diana Butler Bass' book that I felt compelled to share:

The first is an introductory prayer, the second is from St Teresa of Avila:

Comforter, Disturber, Interpreter, Enthuser.
Come Holy Spirit.
Heavenly Friend, Lamplighter, Revealer of Truth,
Midwife of Change.
Come Holy Spirit.
The Lord is here.
God's Spirit is with us.

Christ has no body now on earth but yours,
no hands but yours, no feet but yours.
Yours are the eyes through which to look out
Christ's compassion to the world;
yours are the feet with which He is to go about doing good;
yours are the hands with which He is to bless men now.

Now if we could only go out and live these words and be that presence to the world ...

1 comment:

fun grannie said...

Shaun, have you ever had the chance to take the short course "Cursillo? It is offered throught Anglican and Catholic Churches.
For me, it was marvelous. It was a way to express myself spiritually in a new way. Please look into the movement and see if you could benefit in any way.

Best wishes in your new adventure...