Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Tonight on the Tube:

It might be over 25 years old, but THIS movie still inspires me as much today as it did when I was an impressionable teen.

I count as one of my blessings the course I took at McMaster on the life and times of the Mahatma, and the exposure I had to his writings and thoughts through that, and other courses I took on Peace and Non-violence while at Mac. Those courses not only deepened my appreciation of Gandhi and what he strived for, they created a thirst to learn and live the principles of Ahimsa and satyagraha ... both noble truths worth seeking not only globally, but in our day to day interactions with each other ...

Like the Mahatma once said of Christianity and western civilization, the only problem with ahimsa and satyagraha is: "it hasn't been tried yet !!!"

Maybe one day ... in the mean time, the life of Mohandas K. Gandhi shows all of us a better way than the path of madness and violence that our world seems to be determined to follow ...

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