Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Prayer for today - April 17th ... in the quiet of the morning ...

Gentle One, in the quiet of the morning
we find ourselves in your presence without seeking you ...

in the soft music offered by the birds flitting here and there,
in the warm dappled sunshine that dances silently across the floor
in the the curling vapours rising from the mug of hot coffee
in the unfolding of the day ...
we find you and your indelible presence throughout creation.

As we pause before the hurry of the day begins
be with us, bringing serenity and shalom.

Grant us the peace of your presence as we ready for our day.

You alone know the many worries and concerns we carry
You alone know the hurts and burdens shouldered around us
You alone know the shadowy places that need your presence

Loving God as we think forward into our day
we see the faces of those around us who need you
as names arise within us, we offer them to you
our concerns and care
rise like the tendrils of steam above our morning coffee
dancing, floating, lifting upward
our thoughts, concerns and worries
are taken from us and carried to you ...

Hear our prayers O Holy One,
the ones we dare to utter
and those we hide away afraid even to acknowledge.

Hear our prayers as they rise to you
and in your love answer them
by pouring out your love and presence
upon us and upon our circle of community ...

Loving God, in the quiet of the morning
we find you, and release our prayers,
be with us ... hear us ... comfort us ...

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